Camping with Kids

Camping is a wonderful way to get your kids to enjoy the outdoors. From exploring nature and all its little wonders to enjoying campground amenities like games and playgrounds, camping with kids can be an experience of a lifetime.

So, pack up the kids and let’s go camping!

Things to Do/Know When You’re Camping with Kids

Here are just a few ideas of things to do and things to know when you decide to go camping with the kids.

1. Nature Scavenger Hunt

Camping is a chance to get your kids involved in the great outdoors. Create a little nature scavenger hunt to get them motivated to explore.

Camping with Kids

2. Get to Know the Local Area

There is always history everywhere you camp. Teach your kids how to get curious about the local culture, landscape, and history.

3. Cook Together

Whether it’s a traditional s’more or a foil packet scramble, camping is a unique chance to cook together.

4. Teach Them a New Game

Family vacations are the best time to learn a new game or teach your kids one you used to play growing up.

5. Pack Some Comforts

It’s always a nice idea to pack a favorite stuffed animal, blanket, or any kind of keepsake that your kids can find comfort in.

6. Pack the Swimsuits

Most resorts have a pool, don’t get caught without your suit!

7. Pack the First Aid Kit

Welcome to the land of cuts and scrapes. Camping with kids means you’ll probably need a few Band-Aids at the ready.

8. Do a Craft

Doing a craft together is also a great way to spend time together. Sometimes you can even make a craft project out of things in nature like leaves, pinecones, rocks, and sticks. Nature is your craft store.

9. Stargaze

If you get the chance, use this time to show your kids the night sky. Learn the different constellations or bring some binoculars and look for planets. If you find a dark enough area, you may even see the Milky Way!

10. Book a Stay Somewhere Awesome

The most important thing you can do when you’re camping with kids is book a stay somewhere awesome! Amenities like a pool, splash pad, game room, horseshoes, mini golf, and more, make places like Gold Country Campground Resort packed with kid-friendly activities.

Ready for Your Next Family Camping Trip?

Camping with kids is a fun and exciting experience! Cooking together, crafting together, playing, and exploring, it’s a fantastic way to bond as a family and create lifelong memories. So pack up the tent or RV and let this guide help you plan your next family camping trip.

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